The Divine Miss Lawrence
AMBASSADOR DIGITAL MAGAZINE Editor- In-Chief Musa Jackson has an in-depth Q.& A. with MISS LAWRENCE. Atlanta born and raised Miss Lawrence quickly rose to become one the leading hairstylist in Atlanta. He was selected by Andy Cohen to co-host Bravo’s Fashion Queens with Bevy Smith and Derek J.
He caught the attention of Lee Daniels and after a guest stint on Empire, he was given a featured role on the Fox tv show Star. He released an anthem “Say Her Name” as a rallying cry for Black Women empowerment. He is garnering well deserved praise in his scene stealing performance in the Oscar nominated film US. vs. Billie Holiday as the title stars best friend Miss Freddy. This singer, actor and gay non binary activist is by all accounts just getting started. Let’s go!
On Location in Atlanta.
Talent: MISS LAWRENCE @misslawrence
Photographer: @jameslhicksphotography
Makeup @misslawrence
Behind the scenes footage: @vscottmuz
On cover: Mongolian red lamb coat by David de la Cruz
Clothing and Jewelry from the divine Miss Lawrence personal wardrobe.
Founder & Editor In Chief:
Musa Jackson @iammusajackson
Creative Director: Paul Morejon