So I went up. And Prince tells me where to go. On the side of the stage their are like four steps. And by the second step my body was already involuntarily dancing. I kept thinking I am so ready for this. I wasn’t nervous at all. I strutted on the stage and actually nudged him and was like, “What’s Up Prince?” I was living my best doing runway up and down the stage with Prince. It was great. Prince signals me to take over the stage. It was a great moment. Six month later I was throwing a really successful party at a club called Lotus and my DJ hands me a DVD of a Prince concert. He’s like make sure you watch when you get home. I watched it and it’s that night. I see him he’s definitely pointing towards me. In the video you can see he says no to somebody else then points at me. I didn’t get it in the beginning. I look at my friend and she was crying because she knows he’s pointing to me. And she knows how much I love Prince.

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Musa Jackson @iammusajackson
Creative Director: Paul Morejon